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~~ Janet Green, Editorial Manager ~~

If you had told me when I was 16 years old and dreaming about my future as a writer that I would be able to publish ANYTHING I wrote at ANYTIME when I was mat-oo-ered, I would have, well, I probably would have taken out a tape recorder and asked you to tell me more about it, “on the record.”

It’s a crazy thought, so boundless and wild. And that’s exactly what writing should be, and we (artists in the words industry) are so BOOM! fortunate to be a part of that freedom. On the other hand, most writers respect and acknowledge the importance of expert input, one or two guidelines, and a schmattering of rules to make sure we are putting our best foot forward always. And that’s where hybrid publishers like BQB really provide the balance.

In honor of this jazzy new show, I intend to highlight some of the best recent work I’ve seen in terms of independent authors really making some noise out there. These great writers have opened up their hearts and cerebrals to share with us their babies. And I want to share them with you.

Stop by every Tuesday and Thursday for an opportunity to SNEAK A PEEK. See you on Tuesday the 6th!