"Showing up the play" by Bob FiaccoBob Fiacco‘s book Showing Up To Play received good reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, PR Web, and Barnes and Noble. His work is now being reviewed by various book bloggers. A sneak-peek of this book can be found here.

Bob’s book centers on strategies how best to overcome struggles we all face in life and in our work. His message is clear: be modest, be absolutely determinate to succeed, and you must have the willingness to show up and play every day. Being a mentor and knowing when to give advice without overwhelming someone are key characteristics of someone dedicated to succeed and to help others advance.

I asked Bob what tips he has for people who wish to start their own business. Here is his answer:

Going Into Business at 60

On August 27 2013, I was asked to remove myself from my place of business. That request came from my supervisor. No, I’m not Felix Unger from the Odd Couple sitcom (young folks need to Google that one) although at age 59 and without warning, it almost felt like I was in a bad sitcom or a horror movie.

So what is a young 59-year old without a job to do? Tired of the corporate rat-race, I decided to strike out on my own. Unshackle myself from the chains that corporate America puts on you never to be in a situation again where someone could say they don’t need me anymore.

Starting a business at any age is not easy. It takes many things and there are many pitfalls to avoid. I would like to share my top three things you MUST do.

Top Three MUST dos

1. Make sure that there is a market for your business. I see so many individuals that go into business doing something they enjoy without doing the market research. Just because you and I like it does not mean that there is a market for it. If you love body building the last thing you want is to have a garage full of unused gym equipment twelve months after you went into business.

2. You have to make a 100% commitment. You must be prepared to do whatever it takes to be successful. It’s like Caesar crossing the Rubicon: make a no retreat commitment to your business. It will take capital, hard work, and long hours. You may have to use your retirement savings, take some time away from the family, make other sacrifices, etc. But the results are worth it.

3. Don’t allow snakes in your head. There will be times during your start-up period were you will ask “What the heck am I doing? That gig at the fast food joint dropping the fries looks good”. Don’t give in to those feelings and don’t let anyone convince you that you cannot win.

The price of success is never easy. Just remember this: “If your dreams are bigger than your fears, you can accomplish anything.”

The best always,


Check SBA.gov for more tips and information and if you have questions for Bob, leave them in the comment box.

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